
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Crochet Frenzies: Dread Accessories

Well, in anticipation of my future wool dreads, I have resurrected an ancient hobby of mine; crocheting. I actually learned the summer between my junior and senior year in high school because (just like quilting, sewing, etc) I didnt have a summer job so I got bored. I actually first taught myself from resources I found online... and this was before things like "youtube" existed :P

Anyway, take a gander at what I have whipped up in the last weekend. Once I get going, I can crochet a pretty good clip!

My favorite one is first. I just love the way the camo looks, plus it is a nice size.
Camo Dread Band

Simple, but depending on the light it looks too pink for me.

Reddish Mauve Dread Band

This didnt photography well. The yarn is black and it has silver strandy things woven into it... that is probably why it looks gray. It has bobbles in it too, but they are hard to see.

Black with Silver Stingy Things Dread Band with Bobbles

I dont think I am going to become a professional crocheter any time soon, but I have a wagon load of rainbow colored yarn that I bought for a project that fell through.... maybe rainbow dread wraps would sell? It would at least keep my hands busy :)

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